Air Quality/GHG Management

FCS is a leader in preparing air quality and greenhouse gas assessments to support your environmental documents, general plans, sustainability plans and development projects.

Source: City of Pleasanton

Case Study

10x Genomics Development Project

Source: City of Pleasanton

FCS recently prepared an IS/MND and supporting technical analysis for the multi-phased 10x Genomics Development Project, which proposed to redevelop a portion of the Stoneridge Mall site for commercial and office uses, research and development (R&D), light laboratory manufacturing, and a parking structure.

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Air Quality/GHG Management icon

FCS’s team of air quality and greenhouse gas specialists helps you understand how your project and operations impact one of the most important and controversial environmental resources across every industry around the world. We work hand-in-hand with you to understand your project, coordinating with air districts to ensure all analysis requirements are fully met.

CEQA Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Services:

  • Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Technical Reports
  • Air Quality Mitigation Monitoring and Strategies
  • CalEEMod Emissions Estimates
  • GHG Emissions Inventories (Project-Level and City/County-Level)
  • Dispersion Modeling and Health Risk Assessments (HRA)
  • CEQA Categorical Exemption and Due Diligence Analyses

Additional Air Quality Services:

  • Indirect Source Review (ISR) Applications
  • SJVAPCD ISR Analyses and Cost Estimates
  • Stationary Source Compliance Audits
  • Voluntary Emission Reduction Agreements
  • Fugitive Dust Control and Construction Mitigation Plans
  • Air Compliance and Management Programs
  • Conformity Analyses

Additional Greenhouse Gas Services:

  • Climate Action Plans (CAPs)
  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions Management
  • Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plans

The FCS Air Quality/GHG Management Team


Senior Vice President, Environmental Services

Senior Vice President, Environmental Services


Associate Director, Noise & Air Quality

Associate Director, Noise & Air Quality


Air Quality Associate II

Air Quality Associate II

Tsui Li


Air Quality Scientist II

Air Quality Scientist II

Kimberly Johnson


Senior Air Quality Scientist

Senior Air Quality Scientist

Noah Tanski


Senior Air Quality/Noise Scientist

Senior Air Quality/Noise Scientist

Select Projects

1040 La Brea Avenue Hotel Categorical Exemption

The City of West Hollywood selected FCS to prepare necessary technical studies and the appropriate level of CEQA documentation for the 1040 La Brea Project. FCS completed detailed technical studies, including an Air Quality and GHG Emissions Analysis, Noise Analysis, and Traffic Impact Analysis, and subsequently facilitated the successful completion of a Categorical Exemption pursuant to CEQA.

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San Gorgonio Crossing Project EIR

FCS recently prepared an EIR and associated technical studies to evaluate the potential environmental impacts associated with construction and operation of the San Gorgonio Crossing Project, which proposes to construct two LEED-certified industrial buildings totaling more than 2.5 million square feet on approximately 229 acres near Cherry Valley, California.

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Warm Springs/South Fremont Community Plan EIR

The Community Plan envisions up to 4,000 dwelling units, 10 million square feet of non-residential uses, 20,000 new jobs, and a 600-student elementary school over a planning horizon of more than 20 years. FCS carefully evaluated ways to avoid or reduce potential impacts through thoughtful planning of this highly constrained site, located between the Union Pacific railroad, BART corridor, and Interstate 880.

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Oakmont of Evergreen Assisted Living Facility Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program

FCS provided technical monitoring and survey services to satisfy the requirements of Oakmont of Evergreen Project’s Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP). FCS initially provided technical services and secured the CEQA clearance for this project; the client subsequently requested that we provide technical monitoring and survey services during the construction phase of the project.

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Empowering you to streamline the complex process.


Carbon Offsets

A carbon offset is a general reference to a reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that is used to compensate for or mitigate emissions that occur elsewhere. Offsets can be generated in multiple ways such as: capturing and/or burning the methane (CH4) produced by farms or landfills before it enters the atmosphere, planting trees to absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere, and improving energy efficiency to reduce energy use and lower corresponding CO2 emissions.


Applying for and Securing a Section 1602 LSAA (Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement) from CDFW

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife regulates disturbance to streambeds and riparian habitats under section 1600 to 1617 of the Fish and Game Code. An agreement is typically needed for development…