
  • Town of Windsor



Solid Waste Operations CEQA Checklist

FCS proactively worked with the Town of Windsor to review their existing CEQA Checklist analyzing the five potential solid waste franchise proposals. The analysis included three new potential facility locations proposed by Greenwaste as part of their solid waste removal contract. All three sites were addressed under each of the CEQA Appendix G Checklist questions and a significance finding for potential impacts were made.

FCS’s analysis focused on changes to air quality and GHG emissions as a result of changed haul routes, as well as potential odor and noise at each of the three proposed locations. Based on the results of the July 12, 2017 CEQA Checklist, the project qualified for Categorical Exemption under CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3). As discussed and supported by the documentation, there is no possibility that the activities in question would have a significant effect on the environment.

How we can help

In an ever-changing regulatory and sustainability environment, FCS understands the challenges you face. Our highly qualified environmental specialists, energy management consultants, and technical experts deliver integrated, industry-specific solutions that move your project forward—so that you can focus on what matters.