Source: HPA Architecture
City of Fontana
- CEQA/NEPA Compliance
- Cultural Resources Management
- Noise Management
- Biological Resources Management
- Air Quality/GHG Management
Seefried Warehouse Project
FCS recently completed a Focused EIR, Initial Study, and supporting Technical Reports/Memorandums for the Seefried Warehouse Project in Fontana. Specifically, FCS prepared technical reports/memoranda addressing project impacts on air quality, GHG emissions, noise, heritage trees, and cultural resources.
FCS also peer reviewed the applicant’s Phase I ESA prior to its integration into the EIR. The Project Applicant, Seefried Industrial Properties, proposes to construct an approximately 376,910-square-foot distribution warehouse with 54 truck dock bays, 73 truck parking spaces, and 163 automobile parking spaces on 17.6 acres of vacant land. A General Plan and Zone Change are required to allow warehouse distribution usage on these parcels, and the City requested that the adjacent three parcels to the west of the site also be rezoned from commercial to industrial. FCS’s Noise Memorandum analyzed potential short- and long-term construction and operational noise impacts, including traffic noise levels in the project vicinity, onsite circulation activities, and mechanical equipment operations. The project was approved in November 2018.
How we can help
In an ever-changing regulatory and sustainability environment, FCS understands the challenges you face. Our highly qualified environmental specialists, energy management consultants, and technical experts deliver integrated, industry-specific solutions that move your project forward—so that you can focus on what matters.