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  • City of Pleasant Hill



Downtown Cleaveland - Blake-Griggs Multi-family Residential Facility EIR

FCS is preparing an EIR for a 2.33-acre project site within the City of Pleasant Hill’s Downtown Specific Plan. The City of Pleasant Hill proposes to adopt the Downtown Sub-Area Specific Plan (Downtown SASP), a comprehensive planning document that would establish specific guiding principles and a long-term strategy for development of the infill area. The project applicant (Blake Griggs Properties) proposes to develop 210 multi-family residential units. The project would include three courtyards, a roof deck, outdoor kitchen and dining areas, and lounge areas for groups of varying sizes with fire pits, lap pool and a pet lounge. In support of the EIR, FCS is preparing Air Quality/Greenhouse Gas Emissions Analysis, Biological Resources Evaluation, Cultural Resources Assessment, Noise Impact Analysis, Traffic Impact Study, Visual Simulations, and Shade/Shadow Study. As part of the visual assessment, FCS developed photo simulations to show how the project is designed and woven into Downtown Pleasant Hill’s commercial and residential character mix.

How we can help

In an ever-changing regulatory and sustainability environment, FCS understands the challenges you face. Our highly qualified environmental specialists, energy management consultants, and technical experts deliver integrated, industry-specific solutions that move your project forward—so that you can focus on what matters.