
  • City of Anaheim



Anaheim Blvd Hotel Development Project IS/MND

FCS recently prepared an IS/MND and associated technical studies for the Anaheim Boulevard Hotel Development Project, which proposes to construct a 14-story, 330-room hotel with two restaurants and a five-level, 360-space parking structure on a 3.5-acre parcel located at the intersection of Anaheim Boulevard and the Interstate 5 (I-5) on/off ramps. Ground-floor amenities would include a pool, a fitness room, a game room, a coffee shop, and a restaurant and bar. Rooftop amenities would include a pool, a spa, a sun/viewing deck, and a restaurant and bar. In addition to preparing the IS/MND, FCS also reviewed a set of Applicant-provided technical studies, incorporated City-provided comments on another set of Applicant-provided technical studies directly into the IS/MND, completed a stand-alone Air Quality and GHG Emissions Analysis and Noise Study, and conducted a Biological Constraints Survey and Cultural Resources Records Search.

The noise analysis quantified short-term (construction) and long-term (operational) noise impacts of the project on surrounding land uses. Potential noise impacts from project-related stationary noise sources, such as new mechanical ventilation system operations and parking lot activities, were evaluated for compliance with the City’s applicable noise performance standards. The analysis also quantified traffic noise impacts from the project, and determined whether the project would contribute to a substantial increase in traffic noise levels along roadway segments in the project vicinity. The acceptable noise land use compatibility standards and interior noise standard requirements for the project were also analyzed, and mitigation was recommended in the form of soundwalls and building façade upgrades to ensure that traffic noise level impacts were reduced to less than significant. The project was approved in early 2018.

How we can help

In an ever-changing regulatory and sustainability environment, FCS understands the challenges you face. Our highly qualified environmental specialists, energy management consultants, and technical experts deliver integrated, industry-specific solutions that move your project forward—so that you can focus on what matters.