The National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) requires agencies to consider the environmental impacts of any proposed action or project before a decision is made. Projects involving federal aid or permitting typically fall under the NEPA regulatory umbrella, including infrastructure development and resource management initiatives.
When a local or state agency is requesting federal aid, permits, or approvals for a local roadway or pedestrian facility enhancement project, the Local Public Agency (LPA) applies for a permit or funds from the federal agency. A state’s transportation department is the entity responsible for applying for infrastructure project federal funding or resources, typically from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) or another relevant agency.
In California, the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) is responsible for the planning, design, construction, maintenance, and operation of California’s state highway system and other transportation-related projects. Caltrans also administers funding from FHWA and FTA for local roadway and pedestrian facility enhancement projects.
Preliminary Environmental Study (PES): The First Step in NEPA Compliance for local roadway and pedestrian enhancement projects
Caltrans utilizes a Preliminary Environmental Study (PES), found in Local Assistance Procedures Manual (LAPM) Form 6-A, to determine the appropriate level of environmental review required under NEPA. The purpose of the PES is to provide a basis for informed decision-making and to ensure that environmental considerations are integrated into the planning process from the onset. LPAs are required to address a variety of potential environmental impacts, assessing the risk level for each. A successful PES may include:
Site visits
Aerial surveys
Data collection
Field surveys and sampling
Stakeholder consultation
Initiating and Completing a PES Form
Following all information-gathering methods, the LPA completes the PES form, which must be submitted for local roadway and pedestrian facility enhancement projects seeking federal funding.
Filling out a PES form requires a thorough understanding of not only the proposed project, but also the potential environmental impacts, completed tests and analyses, and available mitigation opportunities. While the exact format and requirements may vary, completing the PES form generally entails:
Providing detailed project information
Identifying environmental resources
Assessing potential environmental impacts
Identifying mitigation measures
Describing public and agency coordinating efforts
Expertly reviewing documentation before form submittal
The PES form identifies 14 areas of environmental concern, further broken down into 36 questions regarding potential direct and indirect environmental effects. The areas of environmental concern include air and water quality, wildlife habitats, cultural resources, and socioeconomic factors.
PES Findings to Determine Level of Environmental Review and Mitigation
Depending on the findings of the PES, the LPA may be directed to proceed additional studies to inform the level of NEPA review required. Ultimately, Caltrans will determine whether the NEPA Compliance can be completed without any further review, or whether an Environmental Assessment (EA), or Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) will be required. Many local assistance projects are processed under a categorical exclusion, supported by technical studies.
Identifying, assessing, and addressing various environmental impacts for a proposed project is a complex process, but crucial in meeting our shared responsibility for public safety and environmental protection. Partnering with a third-party environmental consultation firm can take much of the burden off an agency’s shoulders and shift it to a team of experts.
FirstCarbon Solutions (FCS) is a robust team with decades of experience and skill in conducting thorough environmental assessments and identifying and addressing concerns, expediting your NEPA project approval process. The FCS team also has the resources to complete any necessary mitigation measures, making it a one-stop shop for development success.