FCS to Present at Air Quality Analysis CEQA Tools Workshop
FirstCarbon Solutions (FCS) will present at the AEP Air Quality Analysis CEQA Tools Workshop which is set to take place on March 11, 2014 at the Fresno Breakfast House in Fresno, California.
This workshop will benefit those involved in characterizing project related impacts on air quality, such as government agencies, land use planners, consultants, and environmental professionals. It will include an overview of the California Emissions Estimator Model (CalEEMod), a hands-on demonstration of its operation, and user tips to facilitate the models use.
Additionally, the CEQA Tools Workshop will provide a demonstration of the new modeling toll recently developed by the San Joaquin Valley Air District that will allow CEQA reviewing agencies and project proponents to conduct screening level risk assessments for a variety of emission source types (i.e., truck idling, truck travel, internal combustion engines, fast food restaurant drive throughs, and gasoline dispensing facilities).
FCS' Project Manager / Air Quality Scientist, Elena Nuño, will be one of the speakers.
For more information on this event, visit AEP Central.